Articles tagged "Wealthfront"
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Amid pandemic, Wealthfront's risk parity fund faces rough stretch, reviving questions about the wisdom of a 'millennial' robo using something as 'Wall Street' as leverage and active management
The $20-billion Redwood City, Calif. firm walks fine line between being anti-Wall Street and dabbling in leveraged active investments that COVID-19 markets have hit hard.
April 30, 2020 at 9:57 PM
After Andy Rachleff explains Wealthfront's corrective to banking, Jon Stein told how Betterment is investing heavily in banking but mindful of 'frothiness'
The Redwood City, Calif.-based robo-advisor co-founder explained the banking pain points at InVest West and the New York-based robo co-founder told of a $1B banking week but exulted more about RIA custody
December 6, 2019 at 11:48 PM
Wealthfront is again forced to disclose a bad mistake --testing how far the move-fast, break-things -then-apologize culture can go
The Redwood City robo issues erroneous 1099 data in 2017 that it just discovered. It happened around the time it dumped Apex.
October 19, 2019 at 4:13 AM
Vanguard Group signals launch of long-anticipated -- vanilla as hell -- dirt cheap, perhaps 'clunky' robo-advisor, but Schwab, Fidelity should worry, nonetheless, analysts say
With Schwab more subscription-minded and Fidelity more upmarket, the Malvern, Pa. monster may get a decent shot at retail micro-accounts and 401(k) participants. It's more of a yawn at Betterment and Wealthfront.
October 2, 2019 at 3:31 PM
Wealthfront busts through $20 billion mark with its 'break things but make it happen' approach, but it's bedeviled by details when it comes to customers
CEO Andy Rachleff near doubles assets with high-interest paying robo-bank as new tailwind, but with brand risk as customer service may not be keeping pace, according to one cautionary tale.
September 15, 2019 at 2:42 AM
Wealthfront purchases startup Grove, but deals clients to Facet and drops subscription pricing; instead it's gobbling up talent and tech
The $13.5-billion robo-advisor buys 'subscription robo' but the deal is about 'automating' and giving Grove's founders a home
September 4, 2019 at 8:14 PM
Andy Rachleff lambasted competition for timid cash account offerings, but eats his own words with a pull-back to a middling 2.32% rate after Fed cut
Wealthfront robo-advisory CEO takes refuge in the fine print following Fed rate cut by shaving 25 basis-points off his market-leading 2.57% cash account rate
August 26, 2019 at 8:33 PM
Wealthfront adds staggering $1 billion to its robo-bank in 'less than a month', but critics say it's treading the line, again, on possible conflicts of interest
CEO Andy Rachleff's made a smart move -- short-term, for sure -- but the two months come with a big asterisk and cultural, business model and marketing pivot may cause longer-term headaches
April 26, 2019 at 2:20 AM
Oisin's Bits: Vanguard aborts banking effort, because it was more fixated on beating BoA than being itself, an analyst says; SEI is killing it in the Mercer/Russell realm by competing with a retrofitted TAMP-thingy
The $5.3-billion Malvern, Pa. monster finds its investors want it to stick to investing, not checking accounts and the Oaks, Pa. TAMP leader gets upmarket with no-conflict pitch and product fit and
March 22, 2019 at 11:22 PM
Tiger Global, a Wealthfront owner, also is now backing to the hilt a 401(k) robo, staffed by Wealthfront alums; Synergy anyone?
Guideline has raised $59 million and hopes to cut off the other 401(k) robos by avoiding an AUM model
January 14, 2019 at 4:43 PM
SEC clobbers Wealthfront on multiple alleged offenses; settles case with 'cease and desist' order, $250,000 fine
The big charge relates to tax-loss harvesting but Tweeting testimonials also comes into play
December 21, 2018 at 7:58 PM
In robo-CEO vs. Twitter gadfly battle, it was no contest as Wealthfront's Andy Rachleff does 'ultimate flip-flop' without tweeting a reply
The $10-billion robo-advisor may weather 'PR nightmare' but not thanks to Rachleff's 'Vanguard' explanation, critics say
April 25, 2018 at 12:03 AM
No sooner does hedge fund take big Wealthfront stake than the robo pivots toward becoming one
Tiger Global brought $75 million of cash in January but the New York hedge fund's baggage of higher fees, hard-to-grasp fees, PhD investing may have been quickly transferred, too
March 7, 2018 at 11:26 PM
With hedge fund help, Andy Rachleff buys Wealthfront $75 million of time and swaps out 'robo-advisor' moniker he reviles for his own coinage
Tiger Global PE unit's cash buoys CEO of Silicon Valley who recategorizes his robo as 'software-only' and gives it new life in contending with front-running Betterment
January 10, 2018 at 8:12 PM
The top 10 most-read RIABiz articles of 2017 told stories about what RIAs, brokers, vendors can get away with post-DOL rule
Change is abrupt, pain is severe but most of it can be traced to custodians and advisors taking their medicine preemptively