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Articles tagged "Wealthfront"


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Wealthfront CEO Andy Rachleff oversaw the insertion of leverage, hence risk into portfolios, which has been unrewarding in this market.

Amid pandemic, Wealthfront's risk parity fund faces rough stretch, reviving questions about the wisdom of a 'millennial' robo using something as 'Wall Street' as leverage and active management

The $20-billion Redwood City, Calif. firm walks fine line between being anti-Wall Street and dabbling in leveraged active investments that COVID-19 markets have hit hard.

April 30, 2020 at 9:57 PM

Andy Rachleff: 'We realized [a high-yield checking account] is a better entry point than an investment account.

After Andy Rachleff explains Wealthfront's corrective to banking, Jon Stein told how Betterment is investing heavily in banking but mindful of 'frothiness'

The Redwood City, Calif.-based robo-advisor co-founder explained the banking pain points at InVest West and the New York-based robo co-founder told of a $1B banking week but exulted more about RIA custody

December 6, 2019 at 11:48 PM

Andy Rachleff is staying the course on a minimum viable product philosophy that has benefits -- and embarrassments.

Wealthfront is again forced to disclose a bad mistake --testing how far the move-fast, break-things -then-apologize culture can go

The Redwood City robo issues erroneous 1099 data in 2017 that it just discovered. It happened around the time it dumped Apex.

October 19, 2019 at 4:13 AM

Tim Buckley is part of the chorus of silence about why Vanguard is finally testing a robo-advisor.

Vanguard Group signals launch of long-anticipated -- vanilla as hell -- dirt cheap, perhaps 'clunky' robo-advisor, but Schwab, Fidelity should worry, nonetheless, analysts say

With Schwab more subscription-minded and Fidelity more upmarket, the Malvern, Pa. monster may get a decent shot at retail micro-accounts and 401(k) participants. It's more of a yawn at Betterment and Wealthfront.

October 2, 2019 at 3:31 PM

Michael Cohan: No information can be revealed at any point, lest laundering proliferate unchecked and unabated around the cosmos.

Wealthfront busts through $20 billion mark with its 'break things but make it happen' approach, but it's bedeviled by details when it comes to customers

CEO Andy Rachleff near doubles assets with high-interest paying robo-bank as new tailwind, but with brand risk as customer service may not be keeping pace, according to one cautionary tale.

September 15, 2019 at 2:42 AM

Grove co-founder Chris Doyle sold Grove to Wealthfront but competitor Facet Wealth purchased the clients

Wealthfront purchases startup Grove, but deals clients to Facet and drops subscription pricing; instead it's gobbling up talent and tech

The $13.5-billion robo-advisor buys 'subscription robo' but the deal is about 'automating' and giving Grove's founders a home

September 4, 2019 at 8:14 PM

Andy Rachleff: We raised our [rates] at the same moment Marcus and Ally “needed” to lower theirs.

Andy Rachleff lambasted competition for timid cash account offerings, but eats his own words with a pull-back to a middling 2.32% rate after Fed cut

Wealthfront robo-advisory CEO takes refuge in the fine print following Fed rate cut by shaving 25 basis-points off his market-leading 2.57% cash account rate

August 26, 2019 at 8:33 PM

Andy Rachleff: You can expect us to further extend our services into the banking sector this year.

Wealthfront adds staggering $1 billion to its robo-bank in 'less than a month', but critics say it's treading the line, again, on possible conflicts of interest

CEO Andy Rachleff's made a smart move -- short-term, for sure -- but the two months come with a big asterisk and cultural, business model and marketing pivot may cause longer-term headaches

April 26, 2019 at 2:20 AM

Frank Wilkinson: If you're a consulting client and paying less in fees, how are you not concerned that the OCIO clients who are [spending] more are getting preferential treatment?

Oisin's Bits: Vanguard aborts banking effort, because it was more fixated on beating BoA than being itself, an analyst says; SEI is killing it in the Mercer/Russell realm by competing with a retrofitted TAMP-thingy

The $5.3-billion Malvern, Pa. monster finds its investors want it to stick to investing, not checking accounts and the Oaks, Pa. TAMP leader gets upmarket with no-conflict pitch and product fit and

March 22, 2019 at 11:22 PM

Kevin Busque founded Guideline after he was frustrated trying to find simple 401(k) plans for TaskRabbit

Tiger Global, a Wealthfront owner, also is now backing to the hilt a 401(k) robo, staffed by Wealthfront alums; Synergy anyone?

Guideline has raised $59 million and hopes to cut off the other 401(k) robos by avoiding an AUM model

January 14, 2019 at 4:43 PM

Andy Rachleff wrote in his blog last year: 'The value of the tax-loss harvesting benefit at Wealthfront far exceeds the advisory fee in terms of the after-tax benefit.'

SEC clobbers Wealthfront on multiple alleged offenses; settles case with 'cease and desist' order, $250,000 fine

The big charge relates to tax-loss harvesting but Tweeting testimonials also comes into play

December 21, 2018 at 7:58 PM

Andy Rachleff says his firm's price drop is an act of conscience reflecting the good example of Vanguard Group. Some find the explanation hard to stomach.

In robo-CEO vs. Twitter gadfly battle, it was no contest as Wealthfront's Andy Rachleff does 'ultimate flip-flop' without tweeting a reply

The $10-billion robo-advisor may weather 'PR nightmare' but not thanks to Rachleff's 'Vanguard' explanation, critics say

April 25, 2018 at 12:03 AM

Jacqueline Ko Matthews: They ended up being commoditized in their attempt to disrupt.

No sooner does hedge fund take big Wealthfront stake than the robo pivots toward becoming one

Tiger Global brought $75 million of cash in January but the New York hedge fund's baggage of higher fees, hard-to-grasp fees, PhD investing may have been quickly transferred, too

March 7, 2018 at 11:26 PM

Sitting on an extra $75 million of VC cash, Andy Rachleff can see an IPO in the distance

With hedge fund help, Andy Rachleff buys Wealthfront $75 million of time and swaps out 'robo-advisor' moniker he reviles for his own coinage

Tiger Global PE unit's cash buoys CEO of Silicon Valley who recategorizes his robo as 'software-only' and gives it new life in contending with front-running Betterment

January 10, 2018 at 8:12 PM

The RIA conscience knows no past or future but plenty of sparks.

The top 10 most-read RIABiz articles of 2017 told stories about what RIAs, brokers, vendors can get away with post-DOL rule

Change is abrupt, pain is severe but most of it can be traced to custodians and advisors taking their medicine preemptively

December 28, 2017 at 8:49 PM


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