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Articles tagged "Orion"


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Eric Clarke: 'We felt it was important to have the conference, and yet at the same time offer those that want to connect digitally to do so.

Rather than canceling conferences, Orion and Morningstar are hiring doctors, medical staff for upcoming in-person events -- a very 2021 expense to curb COVID and the liability it represents

Having doctors and nurses is the crowning touch to form the smallest bubble possible, making attendees accountable and sparing no expense to avoid COVID superspreading.

August 27, 2021 at 10:26 PM

Eric Clarke: Several statements were not correct.

Riskalyze blindsides Orion with full-scale attack on its new risk software unit, but Orion CEO Eric Clarke vows to take action if necessary to protect his brand

The Auburn, Calif., industry leader used a release, video and dedicated website to lash out at Orion's freshly acquired HiddenLevers unit, but a backlash may be brewing.

May 13, 2021 at 3:29 AM

Eric Clarke: '[I'm] CEO of the business, [so] I feel like I'd have a very good say in [any] transition, what those next steps would be and plan to be highly involved and engaged in that process ... [with a sale] most likely in my opinion to another financial sponsor, another private equity firm.

What exactly to make of the Barron's article about Orion being listed for sale by Raymond James for $1.8 billion -- and how it boils down to 'when', not if

Orion CEO is insists no formal action is taking place but majority stakeholder, TA Associates, declines to back him up, Barron's isn't backing down and Orion admits its five-year anniversary with TA marks a sell-by date.

January 18, 2020 at 2:03 AM

Ben Cushing: [Larry] Fink likes to portray himself and his company as being a leader on [environmental issues] ... [but] you have to ask what actions the company is taking to actually back those words.

Oisin's Bits: Sierra Club slams Larry Fink's 'lip-service' to green future • Pre- VC raise SmartRIA is winning an RIA a day. Brian Hamburger counters: 'What happens when the tide goes out?' • Eric Clarke pairs up with Raj Udeshi's HiddenLevers

The un-wowed greens question BlackRock's white hat act ; SmartRIA doubles in size on flood tide; Orion gets business intelligence for RIAs from the guy in spat with Envestnet

June 5, 2019 at 8:59 PM

Lon Macdonald: Of course we’re competing with Envestnet … we see an opportunity there. The RIA marketplace hasn’t been well penetrated by anybody, us or Envestnet … [and] I don’t think the level of satisfaction around their service has been what they would want it to be.

Vestmark calls out Envestnet as it makes 'easy-button' purchase of a $3.3-billion RIA asset magnet with hopes for a spot alongside the Chicago giant -- and Orion and SS&C

The $1-trillion SMA clearinghouse gets an outsourcer to the notoriously in-house RIA market in Adhesion encouraging a new swagger against market leaders

October 23, 2018 at 9:02 PM

Brian McLaughlin: No one is offering advisors best practices for texting clients. It doesn't exist.

Caveats galore, Redtail attempts CRM revolution based on texting starting with 27,000 firms who use its software

Compliance experts and advisors throw down the gauntlet on CRM chat challenges but CEO/CTO Brian McLaughlin is unfazed

October 11, 2017 at 7:30 PM

Eric Poirier: We are still in the very early days in terms of penetration in the RIA industry.

Power Player: Addepar's Eric Poirier drags RIAs to seek alpha in a beta world even as the advisors demand -- and get -- eMoney and FolioDynamix connections

The Silicon Valley-based CEO seeks to change how RIAs invest by what they can track with a new API and a fresh $140 million of VC money to see it out

September 26, 2017 at 7:31 PM

Jon Baum: If you go and visit the company in Omaha, there's no sense that it's a family business. There are two main campuses and it's a very big and professionally run business.

Orion's parent NorthStar tops 700 employees, finishes second Omaha campus and taps a super-exec from central casting to run it all

With Eric and Todd Clarke handling day-to-day challenges at Orion and CLS, NorthStar finds an un-Clarke in Jon Baum, former CEO and chairman of The Dreyfus Corp.

March 24, 2016 at 7:02 PM

Tom McCarthy: With this capability, advisors will no longer need traditional portfolio accounting systems anymore.

What exactly to make of Fidelity's WealthScape and whether it's the bull in the third-party-equilibrium China shop

Calling it multicustody may be a stretch but the firm is determined to compete head-on with its own performance reporting software

February 17, 2016 at 10:34 PM

Peter Intraligi: This is completely open architecture.

How exactly Invesco plans to get a return on its Jemstep robo purchase with a TAMP-evoking strategy

The $800-billion Atlanta money manager is trying a modern model portfolios play on buying distribution for a more prominent seat at the table

January 13, 2016 at 9:39 PM

The 2014 RIA hype frenzy may have peaked when suddenly Tony Robbins was everywhere.

Why the RIA business starts 2016 without its swagger: 2014 and 2015

What's hot right now? Almost nothing and nobody. But it might be a 'healthy correction' of equilibrium

January 11, 2016 at 11:42 PM

Rocky start: Coders -- presumably tamer than the miners who used to stay at this 19th century former hotel in Park City -- were evicted after complaints from the neighbors.

Strung out on Red Bull, and stung by a red-faced landlord, 70 tech nerds and Russian-style judges, Eric Clarke pushes RIA app coders to new limits in Utah suburb

No panels, no PowerPoint no breakout sessions -- just tech whizzes from competing firms striving to integrate their systems to better serve financial advisors

September 18, 2015 at 6:16 PM

Lowell Putnam: Our vision is to take data that used to take weeks or months and we want to get that to advisors on a daily basis.

Quovo rakes in $4.75 million from VC backers and a triumvirate of angel RIAs: Carson, Bicknell and Lockshin

The mini-Yodlee is ready to play the feisty startup role in the RIA account aggregation market

September 1, 2015 at 5:05 PM

David Welling: eMoney has undergone a transformation from planning to a platform. We want Black Diamond to be your platform.

Black Diamond partners with MoneyGuidePro to create a turnkey product

David Welling also adds Salesforce, Redtail and Junxure to a bundle that mimics Tamarac and Orion in creating foolproof integration

June 15, 2015 at 3:30 PM

Eric Clarke [far l.] listens raptly as Simon Roy [far r.] touts Jemstep, then inks a deal with him over cocktails. Also pictured: Trizic founder Brad Matthews and Upside user, 'Downtown' Josh Brown

Orion and Jemstep form first big marriage of non-robo and robo software -- at advisor behest -- to create RIA e-commerce

The Nebraska-based conventional provider and the Silicon Valley whiz-bang, with Salesforce and TD Ameritrade as common bonds, found it easy to partner with each other

April 22, 2015 at 1:40 PM


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