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Strung out on Red Bull, and stung by a red-faced landlord, 70 tech nerds and Russian-style judges, Eric Clarke pushes RIA app coders to new limits in Utah suburb

No panels, no PowerPoint no breakout sessions -- just tech whizzes from competing firms striving to integrate their systems to better serve financial advisors

Author Guest columnist Eric Clarke September 18, 2015 at 6:16 PM
no description available
Rocky start: Coders -- presumably tamer than the miners who used to stay at this 19th century former hotel in Park City -- were evicted after complaints from the neighbors.




Bo Brustkern

Bo Brustkern

September 18, 2015 — 9:49 PM

Congratulations to RIA-in-a-Box and TRX on your well deserved “Best in Show” awards. We were honored to be among you, and look forward to many years of collaboration to come. To Eric, Jud, and the whole Orion / Mineral team: you are a class act. Well done!

Pete Giza

Pete Giza

September 21, 2015 — 10:45 AM

Speaking for WealthSite, Fuse was a great experience. The excitement and comradery made it a “must be there next year” event and we look forward to our potential of making the grade for next year’s event wherever it may be.

The tech presentations were enlightening and eye-opening enabling the audience to identify new integration opportunities and even potentially new products borne of innovation and combination of those present.

While the judges took some exception to participating partners not coding at the event, further investigation revealed that those partners were launching completely new and/or complex APIs and capabilities with Orion. Some partners were coding and collaborating remotely with Orion engineers attending Fuse. Bivouac coding to API version 1.0 is tough when there are 36 hours to reach success so perhaps some leeway is in order.

Speaking for Pete Giza, despite contracting a respiratory infection on the flight out – Fuse represents the type of collaborative effort this sector of the FinTech industry needs so badly.

We had a great time and look forward to next year!


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