Articles tagged "Pershing"
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Bob Curtis is back to financial planning • Future Capital and Pontera score $15-billion AUM • Advisor360 is out to conquer Salesforce and Needham • Batnick repurposes Ritholtz charts into standalone venture for RIAs
MoneyGuidePro founder sees mortgage angle • Commonwealth's spun-off software unit thrives in second life
March 19, 2025 at 3:25 AM
Dan Arnold is using force and finesse to make LPL a deal machine -- giving Atria and its brokers incentives to come aboard and Fidelity and Pershing a reason to play ball
The soon-to-be 24,000-advisor Fort Mill broker-dealer will keep existing custodians (for now), pay big retention bonuses and a generous deal kicker to Atria if it all transfers well
February 24, 2024 at 3:35 AM
With a 'loud' RIA custody outburst under ex-Schwabbie, SEI piles onto a mob effort to break Schwab/TDA RIA custody stranglehold
Gabe Garcia is not alone seeing Schwab's ballooning scale as something to pop-- with Envestnet, Altruist, Goldman, LPL, TradePMR and AssetMark all working on new delivery models.
May 5, 2023 at 3:44 AM
Pershing restores Ben Harrison as sole heir to Mark Tibergien -- for now -- but solo tenure may be temporary, with other top talent in the wings
Co-Head Maura Creekmore's departure leaves Harrison at the top by default, but the company is mum on future hiring and how much RIA autonomy gets sacrificed in name of 'convergence.'
January 19, 2023 at 3:31 AM
Tom Moran charts own course in moving $4 billion AUM, and family, to Pershing under new RIA, giving Schwab a pass based on TD Ameritrade merger uncertainty
Ten years' Barron's top advisor in Florida, the Wells, then FiNet broker in Naples, Fla. did a classic DIY breakaway of Moran Wealth where rollups, outside capital and outsourcers held no allure -- and Pershing spent the last three months on premises.
August 25, 2022 at 1:55 AM
BNY Mellon Pershing's subscription custody plan was scuttled by crashing COVID interest rates, but may get a second wind as rates rise, reviving its play for Schwab/TD Ameritrade RIAs
But offering higher yields to switch may not be enough to lure advisors, who typically keep minimal investments in cash, says one industry expert.
June 25, 2022 at 12:41 AM
BNY Mellon uses Pershing INSITE 2022 to let RIAs know it has its own dog in the fight with Pershing X, which BNY owns to sell to Pershing RIAs -- or anybody else
The $474-billion bank's relationship with Pershing just got far more complex as it puts its belief in ringer, Ainslie Simmonds -- who is being given a long rope to tie up loose ends.
June 18, 2022 at 2:29 AM
Behind the scenes, Ben Harrison's rise to replace Mark Tibergien at Pershing was more shock and awe than a symphonic succession
Harrison's appointment was baked in the cake -- or not -- and Tibergien departed with Swiss-watch precision in Moss Adams-style--or not.
March 13, 2020 at 7:22 AM
Mark Tibergien sets up Ben Harrison to challenge Schwabitrade with a $150 million cut to Pershing's minimum and millions more to develop Veo-busting technology
The CEO suite hand-off in Jersey City pulls a trigger on a plan to bypass Fidelity's and eventually Schwab's custody units by luring disaffected RIAs.
March 11, 2020 at 7:58 AM
Schwab dismisses crypto currencies as 'speculative' and too insignificant for its RIA platform as rivals stake out turf for the coming boom... or is that bust?
CEO Walt Bettinger spurns growing crypto-custody trend, but observers say the custody giant is sleep walking through innovation while other firms plow ahead.
September 7, 2019 at 4:01 AM
In extreme air conditioning, Jim Crowley put industrial strength stamp on Pershing INSITE, but admits his custodian needs to get stronger in end-user software
Pershing COO, who took CEO job in May following Lisa Dolly's abrupt departure, made the event zero in on technology, yet again
June 18, 2019 at 3:35 AM
What to make of Pershing CEO Lisa Dolly's surprise exit and the sped-up entry of 35-year Pershing veteran Jim Crowley
When Dolly and Lori Hardwick were promoted, bing, bing, in 2016, Pershing experienced a lift but here comes 'charismatic' and 'RIA-familiar' Jim Crowley
May 9, 2019 at 2:18 AM
Apex Clearing's Bill Capuzzi is counting on its API edge and model pivot to power past enterprise-level losses and gets vote of confidence from top Pershing poach
The CEO begins to shed image as upstart custodian for the robo first wave and mature. Lucille Mayer and Hannah Grove join from Pershing and iCapital, respectively, to help Bill Capuzzi's firm do just that.
May 7, 2019 at 7:01 PM
With Pershing as canvas, Dan Skiles and Peter Mangan paint a picture of a budding RIA custodian
Shareholders Service Group has 1,500 RIA firms and counting and displayed a satisfying air of permanence at its San Diego conference
May 1, 2017 at 4:14 PM
Apex Clearing adds Ron Fiske to its Pershing mafia as it plays bigger for emerging asset class -- RIA digital
Fiske departs Envestnet to rejoin Apex CEO William Capuzzi, a former Pershing colleague, to build on Apex 'big league' success as custodian for firms like Betterment and Wealthfront