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Articles tagged "Ascensus"


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Betterment's New York City offices

Betterment whistleblowers net $2.5 million • Wealthfront's big pivot leads to profits • Altruist launches tax service • CMOs in at Ascensus, Wealthspire & Joe Duran's Rise • Savvy bags four advisors as Mariner sues it for poaching • Jim Dickson launches RIA stake buyer

Betterment is also bending to RIA needs • Wealthfront is in the black, thanks to cash • Altruist reveals where it makes its money • Rise, Wealthspire and Ascensus each add two executives • Compound hits $2 billion of AUM • CAIS slashes alts prices • BlackRock ups private debt sales to RIAs, through GeoWealth.

June 29, 2024 at 3:00 AM

Tim Buckley: We were founded on the idea of giving clients a fair shake.

During CEO Tim Buckley's waning months, Vanguard is imposing fees that may affect its older investors, while hand-off to Ascensus of certain IRA and 401(k) products also comes with some sticker shock

The Malvern, Pa., giant transferred SEP IRA and 401(k) assets to its recordkeeper, which immediately imposed new fees, while Vanguard's new pricing schedule includes a commission to phone in Vanguard fund sales or purchases

May 2, 2024 at 1:27 AM

Teresa Hassara joined Ascensus as president of its FuturePlan unit in April.

Ascensus sells for $3 billion after failing to draw buyers for one-third less in 2018, but faith and patience pay off with 50% premium on deal

Investors Genstar, Aquiline and Atlas sold Ascensus for a deal valued at $3 billion to rollup IPO-prep experts at Stone Point, according to reports.

May 1, 2021 at 5:21 AM

Aidan Yeaw: This is the greatest forcing function in employee benefits since ACA/Obamacare.

Vestwell is in and Ascensus is out in Oregon as mushrooming 'force-function' state retirement plans spark heated bids to recordkeep; RIAs are angling for a cut, too

States may force millions of small employers to sponsor pensions, buoying VC-backed digital recordkeepers. But RIAs like Fisher Investments are trying to convince small businesses to set up their own 401(k) plans to meet new mandates.

December 17, 2020 at 9:34 PM

Rob Foregger: Moving beyond the target date fund ... that’s the vision ... they're now antiquated.

New class of robos lay siege to 'antiquated' target-date-funds (TDF) market; even defender of the 401(k) citadel, Vanguard, sees handwriting on the wall

Fidelity, Ascensus, and Morningstar are all making 401(k) moves that could see automated advice replace the Vanguard-dominated TDF market but maybe Vanguard just woke up in time to cannibalize the market itself.

October 8, 2019 at 3:02 AM

Bob Guillocheau: [This] most certainly isn’t a climb-down; to the contrary, I’d say that it reflects our existing owners’ bullishness.

After $2-billion asking price for Ascensus gets no bites, Genstar and Aquiline opt to sell 25% stake to juice roll-up kitty

Atlas Merchant Capital and GIC are the new financiers but the capital raise suggests inorganic growth is still Plan A

March 11, 2019 at 6:39 PM

Edmond Walters: What PCS needs is a voice that can help amplify their message, and I have a voice that’s heard by this community ... [but] the most important thing to know here is that I pursued them!

How $7B Professional Capital Services is trying to out-nimble, out-RIA $188B Ascensus but with Edmond Walters there to carry a big stick

The eMoney founder joined the Philly TPA's board to oversee a PCS that hires madly, rewrites software, RIA-izes its services and develops marketing punch

February 28, 2019 at 12:41 AM

State Farm will separate sheep and goats with new RIA play but is it still a commission wolf in sheep's clothing?

State Farm is (almost) 'there' as it moves 15,000 SEP accounts to Ascensus, affirming RIABiz report a very MoneyGuidePro-wielding RIA is on the way this year

Assured by client feedback, giant insurer keeps edging into the fiduciary field but its agents will maintain licenses to sell and sell, too

January 29, 2019 at 7:38 PM

Ken Fisher finally found the 401(k) business to his liking after Ascensus sliced costs and proprietary funds enabled fat profits.

Capitalizing on 'unintended consequences' of DOL changes, Ken Fisher pounces on a fat-margin 401(k) opportunity

DOL greased the skids for closed-architecture approach of $60-billion RIA -- as long as it is discloses use of proprietary funds and sets flat fees that apply to them

October 15, 2015 at 5:28 PM

Mike Harger: What we’re hearing is, 'We like your commitment to the marketplace.'

Fidelity reports 57% boost in 401(k) sales as it sets its sights on smaller plans and advisors

Heading downmarket, the Boston-based firm is trying to muscle in on boutique providers

February 29, 2012 at 5:00 AM

Christy White: No 401(k) plan provider has succeeded yet in having a top brand and a top service rating..

Fidelity, Vanguard and Schwab have top 401(k) brands but plan sponsors like the service of off-brands better, study shows

In market share wars for retirement plan dollars, big and small brands alike have much to learn

July 8, 2011 at 2:23 PM

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