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Articles written by Guest Columnist Abby Salameh


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Abby Salameh: It doesn’t matter how good you look on that Zoom or WebEx Team call if your husband, wife, kids or roommate accidentally walk into view looking like unkempt creatures from the black lagoon!

Abby Salameh tells how to stay RIA productive amid teens, TikTok and the drooling dogs

The Hightower exec is banished to a New Jersey burb, determined to be a stuck-at-home mom with a Manhattan-office output

March 25, 2020 at 10:08 PM

Abby Salameh:  It is very tempting to use this blissful slump in client activity to bust out daily 12 p.m. office beers or “work” remotely from beside the pool with your best-of Jimmy Buffet playlist on repeat.

Five ways advisors can be productive in August without totally killing their Jimmy Buffet buzz

The bad news is that clients are away -- or avoid you -- but that's good news for getting organized for the Fall crush

August 9, 2019 at 11:49 PM

Abby Salameh: Figure out what's really going on. The client can be on the verge of self-destructive move for a number of reasons.

Why an RIA's willingness to get fired by clients is a mandatory mindset -- now especially under the DOL rule

Yet the advisor may still be to blame for their own 'principled' dismissal before making a real effort to get at the underpinnings of a client's thinking

June 13, 2017 at 7:11 PM

Abby Salameh: None of these skills have anything directly to do with managing money or the financial designations hanging on your door.

'Approachability' continues to be the one-word descriptor of what separates good RIAs from the ones who struggle

Money is a prickly topic so channeling your inner porcupine, leaving people hanging by the receptionists desk and delivering monologues about smart-beta is dumb

March 23, 2017 at 7:45 PM

Abby Salameh: When we hunger for realness, how can a technology solution deliver the touchy-feely sentiments that a human can?

What cheap lessons Donald Trump and Bernie Sanders are teaching RIAs about the dangers of trying to institutionalize their practices

As the financial advice business goes robo, goes 'branded' and goes virtual -- with backing of 'smart' money and 'professional' managers -- the risk of backlash is real

October 20, 2015 at 10:01 PM

Abby Salameh: There is no good place for emoticons in a professional relationship.

5 ways for RIAs to avoid social media and 'holistic' wealth management overreaches in a share-happy e-world

Being Facebook 'friends' and dealing with a client's non-financial life decisions does not take the 'business' out of the business relationship equation

September 9, 2014 at 5:20 AM

Abby Salameh: Don't spin your wheels trying to find a niche.

5 thoughts about how to actually do what RIA experts say to do

Consultants like to believe we were born to write elevator speeches, define our niche and write a succession plan on demand

March 26, 2014 at 6:26 AM

Abby Salameh: I told him kindly that I had found another vendor -- more because he annoyed me so much with his persistence.

The fine line between selling and stalking and where RIAs should walk

All selling is 'overselling' in the sense that the average sales takes five contacts -- and advisors are known to stop at one or two

December 2, 2013 at 5:38 PM

Abby Salameh: I don’t think I have ever seen a successful advisor who didn’t build his or her business by pounding the phones.

One thought for advisors with stagnant practices: Pick up the telephone!

With e-mail, texting, friending, linking-in and tweeting running rampant, the casualty may be the most potent social media of all: voice-to-voice contact

September 13, 2013 at 6:26 PM

Abby Salameh: Trick your brain into making those tasks less dreadful. This is called productive procrastination.

Five reasons why 'summer-is-slow' is no excuse for an advisor to slow down

If you want to mail it in for a couple months, fine, but know that you're missing a chance to get real things done minus the distractions

August 15, 2013 at 5:28 AM

Abby Salameh: I could see the vast ocean below. We were descending quickly towards it.

Why my financial advisor came to mind (seriously) as my airplane was plummeting toward the ocean

White light can wait: When death is at hand, you get in touch with your inner actuary

January 29, 2013 at 9:46 PM

Abby Salameh: I believed that advisors should ... give up their licenses if they wanted to be true to the cause.

What swayed me to the hybrid cause after an early indoctrination as a 'pure RIA' disciple

The notion that it's just a layover on the way to to a more exalted state of securities-license-dumping, fee-only purity should be reexamined

December 13, 2012 at 4:29 AM

Abby Salameh: There is an inherent gene that advisors must have in order to take that leap of faith and become independent.

How nature and nurture combine to encourage advisors to independence

You can lead a broker to an entrepreneurial opportunity, but the desire to take the plunge needs to come from deep within and maybe family experience

October 4, 2012 at 4:22 AM

Abby Salameh: You want to answer that e-mail immediately, return that phone call ASAP and respond to that text message the minute it comes in on your phone.

The art of breathing: How to handle the overwhelm of being a financial advisor in 2012

First we need to understand the principle of diminishing personal returns -- and then be willing to take counterintuitive steps

May 25, 2012 at 4:51 AM

Abby Salameh: Joe was seriously stressed-out.

5 ways for stressed-out advisors to build a more efficient practice

Delegate, streamline, lean on your CRM, leverage resources, go mobile or tap the untried talents of your receptionist -- all ways to do more of what you love to do

May 4, 2012 at 2:22 AM

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