Articles tagged "Securities and Exchange Commission"
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The unprecedented and once 'unthinkable' State Street-Apollo ETF rollout is still setting off alarm bells for promising liquidity of illiquid assets with questionable plan, say lawyers, analysts and Morningstar
Analysts remain baffled why State Street and the Securities and Exchange Commission are leaving the essential liquidity issue unresolved.
March 15, 2025 at 2:44 AM
State Street -- under protest -- caves to SEC pressure to nix 'misleading' 'Apollo' name from its freshly minted alts ETF, among many issues cited in stern regulatory letter
Morningstar, Micah Hauptman, industry executives and attorneys all said in October that State Street and Apollo didn't seem to have basic boxes checked -- and the SEC dropped the hammer
March 1, 2025 at 3:19 AM
Briefs: Focus Financial gets second happy Hollywood ending in LA lawsuit • Orion closes deal in record 14 days • iCapital buys ID shop • VC milestones & raises • People moves at Apex, Dynasty & Wealthfront
A Hollywood RIA took on Focus and Goldman, and lost • Reed Colley is already in the house • The SEC dings Robinhood, Schwab and Vanguard Group, and FINRA dings Fidelity • Vanguard & Schwab launch ETFs • BlackRock plots mixing alts & annuities in a TDF • Dynasty adds golf exec in HR hire • iCapital buys 'AI' KYC shop • Larry Shumbres start-up off to the races • Wealthfront's media guru departs.
January 24, 2025 at 2:40 AM
SEC actions expose underbelly of RIA industry awards, but they are often lucrative for those who hand them out and unlikely to stop being abused by those who get them
The Washington regulator nailed RIAs with misuse of award mentions, using the new Marketing Rule as cudgel after declaring false advertising a 2024 priority
October 9, 2024 at 3:07 AM
Knut Rostad: The 'fiduciary' movement's lost mojo tracks with the rise of Reg BI, which harmonizes advisors by making sure are all conflicted alike
Wall Street brokerages and SIFMA won the SEC over to a suitability standard with a false label, and advisors are left with a public perception still in line with car salesmen, says Rostad, a fiduciary expert.
September 12, 2024 at 3:08 AM
Gary Gensler post-exchange listing approval for Bitcoin ETF includes a stark '1940 Act' warning to RIAs not to read too much tolerance into it
The SEC head bent to the will of the Stamford, Conn, fund firm's lawsuit and rivals -- BlackRock, Fidelity and eight others -- piled on for the ride, but ETF price spreads are wide and likely headed for a shakeout.
January 11, 2024 at 3:35 AM
SEC forces Vanguard -- and host of other fund firms -- to impose hefty back-end fees on muni money market fund investors who sell into financial panics, in an effort to bullet-proof 'critical investment'
Vanguard's threatened penalty fee is 200 basis points, an anomaly and symptom of previous failed efforts by the SEC to stem MMF runs after the 2008 financial meldown and 2020 COVID lockdown; will the third time be the charm if Middle East war goes regional?
October 25, 2023 at 2:47 AM
BlackRock believes that 33 is the charm as it applies to sell a spot Bitcoin ETF, after 32 prior attempts met failure at the SEC -- part of a new gold rush of applications
The $9-trillion asset management giant is betting its Bitcoin application -- the 33rd lodged with the SEC -- will finally clear all hurdles.
June 23, 2023 at 10:38 PM
Biz Briefs: SEC cracks down anew on RIA reverse churning ~ Envestnet borrows $350 million to buy its own stock ~ Fidelity is creating a crypto waiting list while exec questions crypto ecosystem
Fed up SEC is ready to take on all nonsense at once; stock shocks, Orwell's new name game; Fidelity hosts a line dance
November 18, 2022 at 2:56 AM
SEC crackdown on 'set-and-forget' advice alarms RIAs, who face new 'burdensome' and 'expensive' reporting to curb alleged 'conflicts of interest' over 'deceptive' outsourcing
The spike in RIAs outsourcing functions formerly kept in-house triggered the crackdown, but is the red tape worth it? advisors ask
November 15, 2022 at 3:59 AM
Charles Schwab & Co. will pay $187 million settlement after SEC drops its 'pre-set for business reasons' case
Federal regulators claimed Schwab pre-set client cash allocations without making proper disclosures to Schwab Intelligent Portfolios clients.
July 7, 2022 at 12:10 AM
Five RIA Doubletakes: BlackRock AUM tops $10 trillion as active funds make comeback • Schwab has killer quarter and Wall Street sells its shares • DFA is now the largest active ETF manager • SEC flummoxes RIAs with "inaccurate" guidance • Fidelity pulls in $146 billion in workplace assets
After record AUM high, BlackRock chairman and CEO Larry Fink brushes off a milestone • SchwabSchwab hits records; Wall Street wants more • Mutual fund giant's ETF conversion yields bragging rights • Regulation Best Interest headaches unnecessary, despite SEC brouhaha, lawyers say • Workplace scheme wins big for Fidelity.
January 21, 2022 at 3:16 AM
Five RIA Doubletakes: An RIA-only law firm breaks away • Kitces launches picker of 'best of breed' RIA software bundles • Vanguard targets 2070 just as media targets TDFs • SEC fishing for RegBI Scofflaws, including RIAs • CFP appoints first African-American chair
RIA Lawyers will reject RIA custodians• Kitces Nascar montage is now interactive and helpful • Vanguard's super long TDF draws critics• SEC supply lines are stretched with new battle front • Kamila Elliot is ex-DFA, diverse and calling CFP shots
January 12, 2022 at 3:13 AM
McKinsey's $31-billion RIA for McKinsey staffers pays $18 million fine, a real 'slap on the wrist' considering 'repeated violations' related to having zero recusal process for insiders in its compliance plan, a lawyer says
Federal regulators allowed McKinsey to settle without admitting insider trading violations for its in-house RIA but censured the firm and ordered it to 'cease and desist' from future violations.
December 21, 2021 at 11:54 PM
Why the SEC's green light for Bitcoin ETFs failed to convince Charles Schwab & Co. to make crypto trading available to its 32.5 million retail accounts
The $7.6 trillion in administered assets giant sees mixed signals from regulators who are drawing lines as it goes along -- treacherous regulatory conditions for a big company not built to shift course at a whim.