People Moves Related to "Eavesdropping on a Cetera company's elite conference"
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Orion names 'left-brained' Natalie Wolfsen as CEO to replace Eric Clarke, and AssetMark, which synchronized its announcement, hires Michael Kim as her replacement
Orion Chairman Charles Goldman again lures his protege to self-replace, while Michael Kim was 'integral to AssetMark’s record financial performance over the past several years'
September 8, 2023 at 11:58 PM
RIA in a Box gunning for top-notch staff as it readies for Aquiline-fueled roll-up binge, targeting old-school, mom-and-pop compliance competitors
With Ascensus also in its portfolio, Aquiline is showing a penchant for taking dull, fragmented, unloved wealth-management niche businesses and rolling them up into sexier firms