LPL Financial files S-3 to raise $4 billion after new CEO takes reins with 'bold aspiration' to lead the 'advisor marketplace' across 'all of wealth management'
New CEO Rich Steinmeier needs capital to move upmarket but promises 'organic' emphasis as shares in company hold steady in market downturn.
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Rich Steinmeier power poaches Jeremy Holly, who returns to LPL as EVP to head Dan Arnold-directed 'liquidity' project to buy -- but not hold -- LPL firms
Holly had bolted LPL for SageView with fanfare but he retained a fanbase back in San Diego which dreamed up a dream job for him
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2025 will be the year of 'Under New Management' in RIA business, after 2024 brought profusion of CEO-level fires, hires and deals
First seven CEOs were replaced, then myriad big HR dominoes fell as Vanguard, Schwab, Envestnet, InvestCloud, LPL, Cetera and Orion all switched out CEOs and presidents
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LPL Financial names Rich Steinmeier CEO, effective immediately -- after shares shot up under his stint as interim CEO
Wall Street analysts publicly endorsed the 50 year-old executive; LPL chief financial officer Matt Audette passed over for CEO, but he rises to president while maintaining his CFO title
October 21, 2024 at 9:15 PM
Dan Arnold is gone as LPL CEO, but his leverage to negotiate a settlement is apparent as LPL tells SEC it is deferring exercise of 'automatic forfeiture' of some vested options
Analysts stunned, seeking further clarity from LPL on future leadership, are reassured by company that 'no further shoe will drop'
October 3, 2024 at 3:08 AM
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LPL Financial
RIA-Friendly Broker-Dealer, RIA Welcoming Breakaways, Advisory Firm
Top Executive: Dan Arnold