ex-Merrill Lynch 'Smoothie' broker loses big in FINRA arbitration; his attorney calls reasoning 'tortured,' but pattern of 'bad behavior' may have tipped scales, other lawyers say
James 'Jim' Iannazzo faces fines, two-year ban on securities sales -- potentially a career killer -- but the case could ultimately hinge on an appeal... and politics.

David Robbins
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Why FINRA's late appearance into smoothie-throwing broker James Iannazzo's life might be rough
It's been about 11 months since Merrill Lynch fired him, and the CFP Board stripped him of the CFP mark; attracting the SRO's attention means more woes.
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Charles 'Chuck Schwab' called James Gorman to protest a two-broker poach, kicking off a hydra-headed legal battle, costing Morgan Stanley millions, so far
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March 9, 2023 at 1:23 AM
Infamous stockbroker resolves civil suit stemming from violent tirade -- the apparent final chapter in an incident that went viral and forever branded him the 'Fairfield Smoothie Guy'
Broker Jim Iannazzo went all out with high-powered attorneys and slick Las Vegas crisis pr team to limit the damage from his actions, but whether he can ever live down the incident remains to be seen.