Embattled Mint.com is shutting for good, weeks after Fidelity finally cut off free, screen-scraped data that was at the heart of its business model
The 2007-launched agg-app was a slick freemium sensation that Intuit bought and let wither away from 20 million to 3.6 million million users.
Author Oisin Breen November 16, 2023 at 3:18 AM
Brooke Southall and Keith Girard contributed to the editing of this article.

Brian Murphy
November 16, 2023 — 6:28 PM
Excellent insights on the downfall of Mint from the team at RIABiz. Data has always been the achilles heel for holistic financial apps. Hopefully the CFPB introduces standards that allow the industry to flourish once again. I know I'd like to see that and heaven knows there are a LOT of people for whom the standard human/robo advisor model doesn't work. In fact it's a majority of US based families.

Luke Catlin
November 17, 2023 — 2:52 PM
A great alternative to Mint is MonarchMoney.com. The creator I believe was a former product manager at Mint prior to the sale to Intuit.

Joseph Reisinger, Esq.
November 30, 2023 — 10:15 PM
To where can former Mint subscribers make inquiry as to the location and status of their "old" Mint accounts which were created then abandoned or forgotten prior to 2017? And, what information would it be helpful to include?