Joel Bruckenstein delivers full-bore Texas T3 to record attendance, complete with news reports from Orion, Morningstar and others that were fortuitously timed
The RIA software guru got 1,000 people to Denton where data was the hot topic, and robo and crypto got short shrift.
Author Guest Columnist Timothy D. Welsh May 5, 2022 at 3:05 AM

Marie Swift
May 7, 2022 — 7:02 PM
Great recap, Tim. You really captured the essence of T3 this year. Thank you!
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Orion names 'left-brained' Natalie Wolfsen as CEO to replace Eric Clarke, and AssetMark, which synchronized its announcement, hires Michael Kim as her replacement
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September 8, 2023 at 11:58 PM
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Top Executive: Joel Bruckenstein