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How Aaron Schumm got Goldman Sachs' brightest young star aboard; he jammed in a meeting for a friend and accepted an offer he couldn't refuse--$30 million

The Vestwell CEO gets Rana Yared, the 35 year-old Goldman partner, on his board as part of the $30-million round she made happen

Author Brooke Southall July 2, 2019 at 11:20 PM
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Rana Yared made the initial house call to Vestwell that led to a deepening relationship.

401(k) Stories


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Brian Murphy

Brian Murphy

July 3, 2019 — 5:05 AM
I'm interested to see how this plays out. The 401(k) administration area is highly saturated with long lead times. I honestly don't see the big differentiators in terms of business models, onboarding, or servicing at present, but wish them well. Goldman's been dancing around this space for awhile now, so it'll be interesting to see if they bring anything unique to the table.
Roberto Severino

Roberto Severino

July 5, 2019 — 11:42 AM
Goldman Sachs has always been one of those entities that you either love or hate, but after reading this story, I'm floored by what's going on now. It will be nice to see what Goldman will do that could shake things up a bit in the industry. That's the sort of mentality and innovation I always love to see in companies. <a href="https://www.hiddenlevers.com/" rel="nofollow">https://www.hiddenlevers.com/</a>

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