Five fully pregnant email subject lines and how they make investors open your RIA newsletter
A standout attn: line is a must to get clicks and reads yet often gets treated as optional
Author Guest Columnist Sara Grillo April 16, 2018 at 7:10 PM

Jeff Spears
April 16, 2018 — 10:30 PM
Great guidance on how to use a powerful tool most advisors ignore. Social media is your ace in the hole. Advisors should implement Sara's strategies and eliminate "I'm a fiduciary" form their emails.

April Rudin
April 18, 2018 — 9:31 PM
Great suggestions! Advisors will often tell me, "I don't like email newsletters" but it's not about what you like!
People can opt-out and it's not a personal affront; just a matter of choice!