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What happened next after a Wall Street analyst called Walter Bettinger on the carpet for capping virtual RIA's fees

The Schwab CEO cedes no ground to Rich Repetto and others who come to San Francisco to question whether shareholders are losing as investors win

Author By Lisa Shidler March 17, 2017 at 8:06 PM
1 Comment
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Walt Bettinger: We think the industry practices of negotiating prices undermines trust. What we intend to do is minimize negotiation so that trust is enhanced as opposed to trust being undermined.

Walt Bettinger


Sandler O'Neill


Terri Kallsen

Stephen Winks

Stephen Winks

March 23, 2017 — 9:49 PM
As a national RIA, Schwab informs us what large scale institutionalized support for expert advisory services support.might look like. Intelligent Portfolios is not dodging the question whether brokers render advice. Trade execution is treated as a cost center to be minimized in the client's best interest. This directly addresses the question why 40% of the investor's earnings on their retirement savings is lost to brokerage fees, commissions and administrative cost. We are seeing the role of the b/d and asset manager being blurred and the empowerment of the advisor in the best interest of the investing public. Wall Street is paying attention ar Schwab's architect for Intelligent Portfolios being lured to Morgan Stanley. Look for advisory services cost to be streamlined and the level of counsel provided rendered to be exponentially enhanced with associated accountability (long shirked) becoming a point of differentiation. Schwab pricing and service is structured to gain market share. The forgotten "retail investor" will be the ultimate arbiter of value and price. Disruption is Schwab's strong suite. SCW.

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