Why mini-TAMP EQIS just got a maxi private equity infusion after judicious scavenging of Curian
Long Ridge Equity Partners looked once, then came back 18 months later and invested $15 million in a TAMP that shuns mutual funds, allows $25,000 investments and professes to deliver on selling the Yale endowment model in a box

A couple of observations- all TAMPS are not created equally when it comes to adhering to a fiduciary process which is well documented and defendable. Based on my review of them Equis would have a tough time- One of the real benefits of using SMAs is tax management if done correctly. Just using MFs or ETFs are convenient but tax inefficient- so in a lower return environment every after tax nickel in the investor’s pocket is of importance. Also of interest perhaps is that Bhatt and Jim Brown are both investors in Dynasty- with the latter a Board member.

Stephen Winks
There has yet to be a retail product to mimic the returns Yale achieves utilizing alternatives—a daunting task entailing extraordinary skill and resource insight and access. This sort of leverage and discipline at the retail level is uncommon given the hurdles of retail cost structure where 40% of the returns on retirement savings are lost to brokerage fees, commissions and administrative cost.

Absolutely no way Equis can include alts-they can’t even trade in real time. They are another wanna be platform with some nifty front end but zero substance- look under the hood. Look- the fiduciary stuff which has been coming for a while but is upon makes there TAMPS (who are investment managers BTW) responsible- these guys like so many have so many holes it is ridiculous. Long Ridge bought a chaser.

Investment Advisor
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March 13, 2024 at 1:46 AM
Buckingham Strategic Partners
TAMP, Asset Manager for RIAs
Top Executive: Alex Potts