Why love has everything to do with the next frontier in financial planning and our relationship to money
Swiss philosopher Ashley Curtis validates grandma's folk wisdom about money by way of Harvard, Yale and Kitces
Author Guest Columnist Ashley Curtis October 17, 2016 at 8:11 PM

Jeff Spears
October 18, 2016 — 4:08 PM
This insightful article turns everything upside down. At 54 and a 30 year "career" in wealth management I have found the 8 items to be true BUT very hard to live by and implement. I keep trying and articles like this encourage me.

Dennis Clark
October 18, 2016 — 8:29 PM
My demographic is similar to Mr. Spear's and I agree with his assessment. However, I would add that at least half of my meaningful relationships are ones fostered as a participant in the business for which I earn my livelihood.