Getting inside Barron's Top-100-Advisor lists with some help from Sterling Shea
As the scrutinized lists expands and evolves, the Dow Jones newsweekly is striving to parse better from bigger -- all while keeping a promise to Rupert Murdoch

Oh please, Barrons has crated a giant pay-to-play advertising scheme to suck money out of the advice industry … this is hardly journalism.

These lists have become a huge money maker for Barrons. Unfortunately, they do not vet the list properly. Advisors are vastly overestimating their AUM just to make the list. Barrons also does a poor job of checking compliance for these advisors. All the need to do is go to FINRA Broker check!!
All the Barrons’ list does is misinform the public. Barrons is a better newspaper than that. They need to go back and review their process.

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