Enter the deal makers: RIA M&A firms are hiring furiously -- even without a deal boom
Silver Lane, DeVoe & Co. and Gladstone are among the companies buying desks and seeking more resumes

Frederick Van Den Abbeel / TradePMR
Thank you RIABiz for reporting on this topic. It appears to be a growing evolutionary trend in the advisory industry.

Elmer Rich III
“Sure sign of a market top.” Exactly, how are all these new folks going to get paid, and by whom?

Gladstone isn’t hiring anyone anymore, they have either laid off most of their employees or they have left.

Elmer Rich III
Predictable. PR is usually accurate – about the opposite of the claims. We have done M&A for years. We could have told 'em.

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DeVoe & Company
Consulting Firm
Top Executive: David DeVoe
Silver Lane Advisors
Mergers and Acquisition Firm
Top Executive: Elizabeth Nesvold