TD Ameritrade will make iRebal software available free to all its RIA clients
The custodian may disrupt both the RIA technology and RIA custody businesses -- but not inexpensively

Peter Giza
This comes as no surprise. Rebalancing has been on an inevitable track to becoming a commodity. A slight modification to Stuart DePina’s comment with regard to rebalancing is a “must have” for advisors.
Rebalancing is a “must have” for any financial services platform that wants to remain a significant player. It is part of the tools in the toolbox that sales and service teams alike need to attract and retain clients.
Applications such as rebalancing and streamlined trading are key influencers in attracting new business, businesses that are progressive thinking and looking to scale.
I couldn’t agree more with Eric Clarke’s comments on process efficiency gains. Of course I am a bit biased, however the results are clear and the facts indisputable; rebalancing brings the largest ROI in efficiency and cost-effectiveness over any other technology system dollar for dollar..
TD’s announcement puts pressure on all existing services platforms that lack rebalancing functionality or whose technology is significantly dated. Rebalancing software, unlie trading and CRM, is a relative newcomer so there is plenty of run rate left in most product backlogs of the current independent rebalance players.
TD remains the only custodian with a rebalancing platform that is sophisticated enough to manage larger firms with specialized needs. It will be very interesting to see how good of a job Ben’s team has down with the repurposed web version of iRebal.
I am looking forward to see what happens next!
Kind regards,
Peter Giza | Managing Partner | Spitbrook LLC
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