Kelli Cruz and Jennifer Specter leave consulting unit at InvestmentNews for new 'come-to-Jesus' venture
The departures mark some big changes at IN away from consulting to advisors

Bill Winterberg
Congratulations to both Cruz and Specter.
They leave big shoes to fill at IN, particularly with respect to the very popular InvestmentNews/Moss Adams studies.

Spenser Segal
Congrats to Kelly, Jennifer and Scott! They will make a dynamite advisor consulting team.

Zohar Swaine
Congratulations and best wishes Kelli and Jennifer!

Mike Byrnes
The business model of a publisher having its own consulting arm, supported by its own research, was an interesting one. I thought there was potential there.
Best of luck to Kelli and Jennifer – Mike Byrnes, President of Byrnes Consulting, LLC,
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