DFA engages former Moss Adams analyst as it pilots its intel deeper into RIA space
The Austin, Texas-based firm is bringing on Jeff Pierce as part of its initiative to build its own in-house research arm

Elmer Rich III
Along with Ken Fisher, DFA is certainly the most successful asset gathering firm and marketer in the business — delivering stunning wealth for the owners. They have untold amounts of money to invest in any new distribution scheme and stunning profit margins.
Any new marketing effort is trivial compared to the additional wealth it could produce for DFA Principals.

Miguel Gomez
Ken Fisher and DFA have no comparison.
DFA is a mutual fund company, Ken Fisher is a stock picker. I’ll concede that he’s a good marketer, but I’m yet to see a single advertisement for DFA, whereas you’ll Fisher’s name “everywhere”.
Also, DFA has expense ratios much lower than industry averages, maybe they just use their resources more efficiently?
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Moss Adams
Consulting Firm
Top Executive: Rebecca Pomering
Pershing Advisor Solutions
Asset Custodian
Top Executive: Mark Tibergien