10 reasons for advisors to just say no to less-than-ideal clients
Choosing a niche helps identify the ideal prospect

Mike Byrnes
I agree. Sticking to a written ideal client profile is very important for many reasons!
Mike Byrnes, President of Byrnes Consulting, LLC
PS just tweeted this out at @byrnesconsultin

Maria Marsala
Thanks Mike for your comment and RT.
For those of you interested in learning how to really add this concept to your practice/business, you may be interested in a free teleseminar this Thursday, Feb 16 “Maximize Profitability & Your Time: Create an Ideal Client Profile” http://www.marketingwithintegrity.com/?p=2511

Sanjay Nautiyal
I agree and thanks for sharing a valuable information
Sanjay Nautiyal
Ludhiana India