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Merrill Lynch makes bold moves to train new recruits for an RIA-centric future

The rethought training program suits up new advisors -- many of them career changers -- for independence as well as for the wirehouse path

Author Lisa Shidler November 21, 2012 at 4:35 PM
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Dwight Mathis: By the time they graduate after 43 months it'll put clear blue sky between us and our competition.

Mindy Diamond


Edward Jones


Ryan Shanks


Cecile Munoz


Mindy Diamnd

Scott T

Scott T

November 25, 2012 — 6:42 PM

This entire article is a barefaced lie. The training program at Merrill Lynch is an ill conceived, poorly managed farce. The entire program is designed to make recuits fail NOT succeed. They give the recruits ridiculous goals to meet with absoulutely no support. They worst part is that the “traininers” are people who were never successful in the business to begin with. Couple that with the fact that the ultimate decision on who stays and who gets fired lies with the branch managers who really have no desire or ability to train people themselves. The whole thing is a recipe for failure.

Lisa Shidler

Lisa Shidler

November 26, 2012 — 4:52 PM

Hey Scott T., sounds like you’ve got the real inside scoop on this program. Feel free to e-mail me and give me some more insight. Did you go through the program yourself? Or know someone who did? We’d love to get more details about it. My e-mail is: lisa@riabiz.com
Thanks! Lisa Shidler



September 12, 2013 — 12:26 AM

Scott, I would love to hear more about your experiences at Merrill. I am in the middle of the interview process and would like to hear more first hand experiences. Please tell me more mwa207@gmail.com.

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