John Valentine has a NFL and Chevron-heavy client list but his RIA's growth was modest -- until now
The San Ramon, Calif. firm is getting down to the nuts and bolts of expansion and switching to a fee-only model
Author Steve Garmhausen October 28, 2011 at 2:52 AM

Brooke Southall
November 1, 2011 — 3:13 AM
To whomever left the comment about this Q&A. I took down your comment when your email bounced. I take seriously what you wrote but something this negative needs to have more than a bogus email.
If your concerns are genuine, please e-mail me at or call me.

August 3, 2017 — 5:56 PM
John Valentine's stock choices and picks are nothing short of amazing . He told everyone to buy Adidas before the big move and trend for young people in that sector and was having in buying tesla along with Netflix when they were both out of favor and talked about banks when everybody disliked the banks and they moved up to strong price momentum

Newark Chief
August 3, 2017 — 6:05 PM
John Valentine is the Tom Brady and Barry Bonds of the Investment Advisory Industry. Yes, controversial but the best of all time
Mentioned in this article:
Valentine Wealth Management
Advisory Firm
Top Executive: John Valentine